Richard Zhao

These are my opinions on various boba shops/chains in the socal/oc region.

s-tier: sharetea (when abgs are working), twinkle brown

a-tier: ding tea, boba guys, omomo

b-tier: roasting waters, half-and-half, sharetea (when non-abgs are working), kung-fu tea

c-tier: tastea, dolphin bay, class 302, 85°C, cha2o

d-tier: quickly, bobatime, tapoica express, lollicup

f-tier: gongcha (this is literally the worst boba i've ever had)

Kung-fu tea is the most neutral and average boba I've had; if it's worse than KFT, it's not worth getting.

I've also come to the conclusion that boba made by ABGs tastes 10x better. My survey of 3 people lead to a statistically significant observation that boba made by non-ABGs is vastly inferior in quality and taste. I really don't know why this is the case; my suspicion is that fake lashes brings out heightened flavor in boba.